Generals and other soldiers


Generals and other soldiers


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Nathan Bedford Forrest
Nathan Bedford Forrest emerged from the battle at Fort Donelson as a prominent soldier after his refusal to surrender to the Union forces.

General U.S. Grant
U.S. Grant was a Union General and future president who won a decisive battle at Fort Donelson.

General Simon Buckner
General Simon Buckner was the Confederate general who surrendered to the Union Army at Fort Donelson on February 16, 1862.

General Gideon Johnson Pillow
General Gideon Johnson Pillow was one of the three original Confederate leaders at Fort Donelson.

General John Buchanan Floyd
General Floyd was one of the three original Confederate leaders at Fort Donelson.

Admiral Andrew Hull Foote
Admiral Foote was an American Naval Officer who cooperated with General Grant.
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